Saturday, 9 April 2011

Winter 2011

     This month we will be hard at work putting together the feature stories for the Winter editions of Gippsland Country Life and Yarra Valley and Ranges Country Life magazines due for release in the first week of May.
     The stories are well under way and the pages are filling fast with stories about the wonderful people and places across the regions.
     So far we have met an artist couple in Callignee who have rebuilt their studio that was lost in the Black Saturday Bushfires,  enjoyed a day on the Gippsland Lakes at the annual boat muster, had lunch with the Colineri Family in the Yarra Valley and met award winning winemaker David Bicknell from Oakridge winery. Find out his favourite place on the Oakridge Estate and read the other stories in our winter edition. More sneak peaks to come in later blogs.
  We have had a great response from many of our readers about the beautiful homes of Justin Bishop in Sassafras (pictured below) and the Miles's of Metung featured in our Autumn editions, and we plan to bring you more on the best of country living in our Winter edition.

 From the Autumn edition both Gippsland Country Life and Yarra Valley and Ranges Country Life were placed in all of the Qantas Airport Lounges across the country and we have had a great response with an increase in interstate subscriptions and requests for information from international visitors to the region.

Autumn Events For Your Diary 

April 23
Dahlsens Lindenow Cup Farmers Day
Bairnsdale Racecourse Ph 5152 4057

April 24
Coronet Bay Beach Fair

May 6-15
Shakespeare on the River Festival Stratford

May 15th - 28th
Guys and Dolls
West Gippsland Arts Centre

Yarra Valley and Dandenong Ranges

April 25
Easter Monday at Vines Restaurant ph 9739 0222

Third Sunday of the Month
Yarra Valley Regional Food Group Farmers' Market
Yering Station Barn 9-2pm 9739 0122

Throughout May
Memories of Melba
Lilyday Historical Society Ph: 9761 9192

A reminder to advertisers that the booking deadline to be a part of the winter edition is May 1st 2011.
Find out more information on the website or call Sacha Steel on 03 5962 5128.